Lonnie Frisbee: long strange trip
One of the most captivating and distinctive personalities in the “Jesus Revolution” is Lonnie Frisbee, whose memory is revived through brilliant portrayal by actor Jonathan Roumie.

The 2023 Oscars And Religion
It’s no surprise that every year Oscar-nominated movies have a lot to say about religion. Religion is a big part of the world, and the the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, for good or ill, largely decides the most important movies that shape culture.

The New York Times And A Baptist
New York Times opinion writer Nicholas Kristoff interviewed the Rev. Russell Moore, a former Southern Baptist Convention official who’s now editor of Christianity Today magazine.

California’s Megachurches
California has more megachurches than any other state: There are over 200 Protestant, theologically conservative churches with at least 2,000 weekly attenders.

The Theory of Relativity And Reality
Pastor Paul Prather argues the Biblical writers—ancient nomads, carpenters, and fishermen—tapped into something way beyond themselves, truths they had no means of proving.

History Repeats: The Asbury Revival
A spontaneous religious revival broke out on February 8th at a chapel service at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. As of this writing, nearly two weeks later, it’s still going.

Music’s Divorce from God is a Great Failure
When music encounters religion, the art can be transformed and may reveal God in astonishing beauty—like the earliest Gregorian chants through Bach and Mozart.

Faith made Harriet Tubman fearless
Colorado State University professor details how believing in God helped slave/spy/abolitionist Harriet Tubman remain fearless, even when facing daunting challenges.

What are the Origins of Lent?
Joanne Pierce, professor of religious studies at College of Holy Cross, explains the origins of the 40-day period of fasting and prayer Christians the world over call Lent.

All of Us Fall — Hopefully, It’s Upward
Paul Prather, rural Pentecostal pastor/journalist explains how Richard Rohr’s bestselling book, Falling Upward, maded sense of a big transformation going on in his heart.

Is Heaven Far Away or Here, Now?
N.T. Wright helped pastor and journalist Paul Prather answer this most vital of questions: What if Heaven isn’t a place beyond the stars but a Kingdom already here, now?

‘The Chosen’ Wraps Up Third Season
“The Chosen” wraps up an uneven third season in a triumphant manner, highlighting all the strengths and weaknesses of what might be the biggest faith-based project ever made.

Learning From Those Who See God Differently
Paul Prather argues God is so vast, wonderful, and complex that no one group—even his own—has a monopoly on him. Nobody understands it all, he posits.

'The Jesus Music' Documentary
The film captures an important time and interviews some of Christian music’s most recognizable stars, including Amy Grant, TobyMac, and Michael W. Smith.

What is Pentecostal Christianity?
Lloyd Daniel Barba, Assistant Professor of Religion at Amherst College, explains this stream of the Christian faith that emphasizes the Holy Spirit and God’s presence in our lives

An Interview with Malcolm Gladwell
Malcolm Gladwell’s New York Times best-selling books highlight the unexpected twists in social science research. David and Goliath, though, also explores faith-related themes.

An interview with Mark Batterson
Mark Batterson has received acclaim as lead pastor of National Community Church in Washington, D.C. and co-creator of Ebenezer’s Coffeehouse, the largest coffee house on Capitol Hill.

An Interview with Gary Chapman
Dr. Gary Chapman, marriage and family expert and author of The Five Love Languages, has helped countless numbers of people communicate and understand love better.

An interview with Eugene Peterson
Eugene Peterson was one of the best-known theologians of our time. Most famous for penning The Message, he also wrote other popular books, such as A Long Obedience in the Same Direction.