A Second Secret to Finding Meaning
Justin Camp Justin Camp

A Second Secret to Finding Meaning

What makes work meaningful? When we love and serve by the power of the Spirit and for God’s eternal purpose of restoring and redeeming the entire world through love and kindness.

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Road Map Toward a Meaningful Life
Justin Camp Justin Camp

Road Map Toward a Meaningful Life

We're built to love. We're created by God to love the precious family, friends, and acquaintances he's put in our lives. And if we're not doing well this thing we're created to do, we violate our nature.

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Why Do We Take Time To Worship God?
Justin Camp Justin Camp

Why Do We Take Time To Worship God?

I've struggled with worship. For much of my life, it was the part of any church service when my mind was most apt to wander. But then, finally, some friends taught me how to worship.

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Finding Our Winding Way Toward Forgiveness
Paul Prather Paul Prather

Finding Our Winding Way Toward Forgiveness

Forgiveness doesn’t mean denying or minimizing harm. It means releasing feelings of resentment or vengeance toward the person who did the harm. And doing that sets us free as much as we set free the other person.

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Why Don’t We Talk More About Loneliness?
Dwight Lee Wolter Dwight Lee Wolter

Why Don’t We Talk More About Loneliness?

Loneliness is not necessarily a state of depravity that requires a cure. Loneliness is not a sin or a weakness, even if the surgeon general calls it a disease. The eradication of loneliness is not always necessary or possible — or even desirable. Indeed, there is much to be learned from loneliness: companionship, prophecy, solidarity, fun and freedom — even creativity.

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New Year’s Resolution: Reconciliation
Michael Metzger Michael Metzger

New Year’s Resolution: Reconciliation

Reconciliation is when two people come together to understand a past conflict or hurt. It matters to God, and he has given us the ministry of reconciliation.

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Inner Peace, Like Happiness, Is An Inside Job
Paul Prather Paul Prather

Inner Peace, Like Happiness, Is An Inside Job

“I can’t legislate world peace. I can’t press peace on my neighbors or parishioners. But if I can become peaceable enough within myself, maybe that will both help me and others, too.”

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Five Great Bible Reading Plans For 2024
Stephen Presley Stephen Presley

Five Great Bible Reading Plans For 2024

The Bible is more than just a nice book with good advice. It provides the beginning, middle, and end of the story of redemption that God is working out among us.

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The Best Faith-Based Films of 2023
Joseph Holmes Joseph Holmes

The Best Faith-Based Films of 2023

Faith-based films are everywhere, making it easier than ever to find films that celebrate religious worldviews with truth and beauty. Here are the best of 2023.

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Being Compassionate, Even When It's Hard
Paul Prather Paul Prather

Being Compassionate, Even When It's Hard

We should give everybody the benefit of the doubt until all the facts are in. And then, when the facts are in, even if the facts are damning, we should offer some benefit of the doubt anyhow.

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Fix America’s woes? Know your neighbors
Bob Smietana Bob Smietana

Fix America’s woes? Know your neighbors

Seth Kaplan, researcher at Johns Hopkins who studies fragile states around the world, argues that rebuilding social capital—including faith congregations—can address social problems.

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I Believe The Bible Today More Than Ever
Paul Prather Paul Prather

I Believe The Bible Today More Than Ever

Having our faith deconstructed—or even blown to smithereens—can be the best thing for us. Until you’re forced to release your past assumptions, it’s really hard to learn anything better.

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