Nine Ways to Connect with God
Gary Thomas Gary Thomas

Nine Ways to Connect with God

Do you ever feel guilty because quiet time just doesn’t cut it for you? Are you ever frustrated by a “one size fits all spirituality”? Don’t despair.

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Seeking God's Peace: A Taize Service
D'Esta Love D'Esta Love

Seeking God's Peace: A Taize Service

Taize worship is marked by simplicity, silence, confession, reconciliation and prayer. This contemplative style of worship grew out of a community in Taize, France, founded after World War II to provide a place of refuge and forgiveness for those seeking healing and reconciliation after the distress and devastation of war. The service is a blend of Christian styles, both liturgical and free, both ancient and contemporary.

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Gratitude Conquers Fear (And Other Stuff)
Richard Beck Richard Beck

Gratitude Conquers Fear (And Other Stuff)

Psychologists have shown that gratitude is one of the strongest predictors of happiness. And why is that? Because to feel grateful is to experience life as a gift, as an experience of grace and joy. Thus the practices of gratitude—the cultivation of the experience of receiving a gift—replace scarcity with an experience of abundance. When life is experienced as a gift, our anxieties lessen and the capacity to share freely and spontaneously is increased.

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What Is Worship? A Survey of the Bible
Michael Morrison Michael Morrison

What Is Worship? A Survey of the Bible

In the Bible there are two major kinds of words for worship. The first means to bow down, to kneel, to put one’s face down as an act of respect and submission. Our body language is saying, I will do whatever you want me to. I am ready to listen to your instructions and I am willing to obey. The other kind of biblical word means to serve.

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Journaling as a Spiritual Discipline
Jim Martin Jim Martin

Journaling as a Spiritual Discipline

Jim Martin keeps a daily journal and has for a number of years. The practice has been one of the most significant contributors to his spiritual growth and has become a crucial component in his relationship with God.

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Experiencing God through the Creation Psalms
Leslie Leyland Fields Leslie Leyland Fields

Experiencing God through the Creation Psalms

God comes near through his Word, and he comes close through his creation. If we don’t know and see this, we will miss so much of who he is and how he longs to be with us.

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Choosing Humility Even When It’s Hard
Nicole Unice Nicole Unice

Choosing Humility Even When It’s Hard

Humility will come to us all. ... But there are two paths to humility. The first is to humble yourself. It’s the decision to wake up to your reality, to say to God, 'I don’t know why this is the way it is, and I don’t know when it will end, but I trust You. I want to serve You. I will humble myself to show up today with joy and obedience and a heart to serve others.' The other way is to be humbled.

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The Long Tradition of Tattooing in Christianity
Gustavo Morello Gustavo Morello

The Long Tradition of Tattooing in Christianity

For some Christians, both in the United States and around the world, tattoos are an important way of representing their faith in Jesus. For example, pilgrims to Jerusalem will sometimes get tattoos during their time in the Old City, usually crosses on their forearms. But the evidence is clear that the practice started a long time ago—shortly after Jesus’ crucifixion, in fact—and has continued down the centuries.

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The Gift of Spiritual Direction
Lisa Durr Lisa Durr

The Gift of Spiritual Direction

Spiritual direction helps us to learn to ask better questions like, “Where is God in this?” It creates a space where we can search for hints of the divine in our lives.

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Qualities of a Good Friendship
Dan Allender Dan Allender

Qualities of a Good Friendship

The joy and messy beauty of genuine connections between people—from shared purposes to meaningful conversations and navigating conflicts with grace.

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What is Repentance?
Martin Luther Martin Luther

What is Repentance?

Contained within Martin Luther’s sermon entitled “The Sermon Christ Preached to His Disciples,” written by him in the first half of the 16th century and included in his work, ‘Church Postil,’ is a particularly excellent discussion of the question, What is Repentance?

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Are You Living Your God-Given Dreams?
Nancy Gavilanes Nancy Gavilanes

Are You Living Your God-Given Dreams?

Our role model for living the Christian life shouldn’t be found on the stage or screen. Our ultimate role model is found in the pages of the Bible—Jesus.

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What is Listening Prayer?
Justin Camp Justin Camp

What is Listening Prayer?

In Scripture, God spoke to Elijah by his “still small voice.” By telling this story, God seems to be revealing a preferred way of communicating with us, too—today.

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The Spiritual Discipline of Study
Brad Dudley Brad Dudley

The Spiritual Discipline of Study

“What we are talking about is the study that permeates life. It is what A. W. Tozer would call 'Following hard after God.” Though, for many, study may be a discipline of habit, the study we speak of is more a discipline of heart.”

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‘How Great Thou Art’ Gets New Ending
Adelle Banks Adelle Banks

‘How Great Thou Art’ Gets New Ending

The well-known and beloved-by-many words of “How Great Thou Art” have had a long and varied trajectory from Swedish poem to German hymn to a tradition at Billy Graham crusades. In celebration of the 75th anniversary of the hymn’s popular English translation, Grammy-winning Christian singer-songwriter Matt Redman has teamed up with 15 other artists and released a new version, continuing the hymn’s transatlantic trek that has led it to be featured in countless hymnals and recorded on hundreds of albums.

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‘The Chosen’ Wraps Up One Of Its Best Seasons
Joseph Holmes Joseph Holmes

‘The Chosen’ Wraps Up One Of Its Best Seasons

‘The Chosen’ is a ground-breaking series. From its unprecedented crowdfunding campaign to its innovative theaters-first strategy the last two seasons, the series about Jesus and His disciples manages to be both creative and faithful. Focusing on the rising danger from Jesus’s enemies and His upcoming death, the fourth season, in particular, has been one of the strongest.

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