A Primer on “Mere Christianity”— Discovering the Essence of Faith
Justin Camp Justin Camp

A Primer on “Mere Christianity”— Discovering the Essence of Faith

In the vast tapestry of Christian literature, few works have achieved the timeless impact of C. S. Lewis's "Mere Christianity." This seminal book, born from a series of BBC radio talks during World War II, has guided countless seekers on their journey to understanding the core tenets of the Christian faith.

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Historic All-Sign-Language Movie About Jesus
Kathryn Post Kathryn Post

Historic All-Sign-Language Movie About Jesus

This film is for Deaf, by Deaf. That part is clear. But I just want to encourage the hearing community to come and be a part and watch the film. We want them to come and share this unique experience, understand our culture just a little better and celebrate this historical moment in time — of the first-ever full-feature film about Jesus in sign language.

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Relaxing Into God’s Presence
Steve Cuss Steve Cuss

Relaxing Into God’s Presence

If you want to connect deeply with God, you first have to connect deeply with yourself. Do you find that idea jolting? I did the first time I encountered it. It challenges the way I’m wired.

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The Slow, Sacred Work of Lament
Terra McDaniel Terra McDaniel

The Slow, Sacred Work of Lament

Lament is a profoundly spiritual act because grief and loss are just as sacred as trust and celebration. It is freedom to express pain and allow love into our sorrows with us. It metabolizes grief, honoring our experiences as beings with bodies, souls and spirits.

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The Gospel and Humor
Timothy Keller Timothy Keller

The Gospel and Humor

Does the gospel have an effect on our sense of humor? The answer has to be yes—but why and how? The gospel creates a gentle sense of irony. Our doctrine of sin keeps us from being over-awed by anyone (especially ourselves) or shocked by any behavior.

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Contemplative Prayer
Lori Glenn Lori Glenn

Contemplative Prayer

In contemplation, also known as meditation, I make the decision to center my life on God. Contemplation is a time to explore my relationship with God and to begin to live out of the deepest part of my nature.

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Why Balance Is Essential In All Things
Paul Prather Paul Prather

Why Balance Is Essential In All Things

In my observation, core spiritual truths are applicable to nearly every arena of life, not just to religion but also to business, education or politics. They’re as beneficial to those who don’t believe in God as to those who go to church three times a week. They’re woven into the world we inhabit as surely as the law of gravity. One of these universal truths is the principle of balance.

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New: ‘Cops, Criminals and Christ’ podcast
Fiona André Fiona André

New: ‘Cops, Criminals and Christ’ podcast

For 12 years, Dale Sutherland spent his mornings at church working as a youth pastor and his afternoons wandering the streets of northwest Washington, D.C., as an undercover narcotics officer, searching for drugs. Sometimes, his two lifestyles would collide, like when he received calls while at church from drug cartel members and calls from church members while he was buying drugs.

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The Pentecostal Renewal
Paul Prather Paul Prather

The Pentecostal Renewal

The Pentecostal/Charismatic revival is the fastest-growing religious phenomenon on the planet, bar none. Reliable statistics for it are hard to pin down, but estimates range from a half-billion to as many as one billion. What we know for sure is that more and more adherents worldwide are gathering together to worship in home churches and tiny storefront churches, all the way to massive megachurches.

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Discerning and Using Spiritual Gifts
Timothy Keller Timothy Keller

Discerning and Using Spiritual Gifts

The Holy Spirit gives each one of us a particular spiritual gift or set of gifts, which can be used in a range of ministries that serve others in the Christian community and beyond. Do you know yours?

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Building an Altar To Remember
Jonathan David Helser Jonathan David Helser

Building an Altar To Remember

When the fathers of the faith encountered God, they would build an altar so they would remember — remember their encounter with God, remember the place where everything changed.

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How to Pray When Wrestling With Anxiety
Paul Prather Paul Prather

How to Pray When Wrestling With Anxiety

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 19.1% of U.S. adults have had an anxiety disorder in the past year—and 31.1% have had one at some point in their lives. This method of praying not a magic wand. It may not replace anti-anxiety medication. But boy, it does help. If you’re a fellow anxiety sufferer, try this. It can’t hurt you. It has no unpleasant side effects. It may do you great good.

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How to Experience God Outdoors
Justin Camp Justin Camp

How to Experience God Outdoors

We can learn a lot about people by what they make — especially what they make for others. We can grasp the depth of their affection by the effort and care they take in the making and the beauty and utility they infuse into what’s made. When we go outdoors, into God’s own creation, we learn about him — and sometimes encounter him, too.

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The Transformative Power of Art 
Father Richard Rohr Father Richard Rohr

The Transformative Power of Art 

Good art, good poetry, and true mythology communicates, without our knowing it, that life is not just a series of insulated, unrelated events. The great truths — when they can be visualized in images — reveal deep patterns, and reveal that we are a part of them.

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A Day of Silence
Missy Wallace Missy Wallace

A Day of Silence

Are you in a season of great challenge? Remember Richard Foster’s words: “The purpose of silence and solitude is to be able to see and hear. The Spirit speaks to us when our heart is still and silent before the Lord — not when we’re rushing about and doing our own thing in our own way.”

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‘Wildcat’ A Masterful Love Letter Religious Creatives
Joseph Holmes Joseph Holmes

‘Wildcat’ A Masterful Love Letter Religious Creatives

‘Wildcat’ is a gorgeous and truthful portrayal of the inner world of a thoughtful Christian creative person. The film follows the life and fiction of the famous southern Catholic writer Flannery O'Connor (played by Maya Hawke), who wishes to be a great novelist but struggles against her growing terminal illness and rejection by her readers — both professional and personal.

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Finding Love and Rest Though Unknowing
Karen Swallow Prior Karen Swallow Prior

Finding Love and Rest Though Unknowing

We live in a time of the 24-hour new cycle, social media, information excess and compassion fatigue — a time when sometimes unknowing is better than certain kinds of knowing.

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A Vision Set The Course For My Spiritual Journey
Paul Prather Paul Prather

A Vision Set The Course For My Spiritual Journey

There have been perhaps five times when the supernatural burst headlong into my mundane, drone-bee existence. For me, on average that figures out to one visitation (or whatever you want to call it, I’m not a stickler about terminology) every 12 or 15 years, although my experiences haven’t been that predictable.

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