Seven weeks screen-free, Carlos Whittaker’s idea of God changed
After seven weeks without his phone, Carlos Whittaker’s relationship with God — and himself — changed in ways he never expected. Trading screen time for conversations with monks, Amish farmers and even his own family, he found a slower, deeper connection to faith and life. Carlos shares what he learned about worship, savoring moments and rediscovering who God created us to be when we disconnect from our devices.

How Religion Influenced Some Of The World’s Greatest Writers
From Tolkien’s reflections on redemption in "The Lord of the Rings" to Dostoevsky’s deep dive into sin and salvation in "Crime and Punishment," faith is at the core of some of the greatest stories ever told. These writers invite us to wrestle with big questions about life, faith and purpose — reminding us that there’s always something deeper at work, even in our own lives.

Seeing The Holy In The Mundane
In the midst of daily routines and unexpected interruptions, we often separate the sacred from the mundane. But what if every moment was a form of worship? What if changing a tire or weeding a garden was just as holy as delivering a sermon? It's a simple yet profound concept: God is in everything — always present, always purposeful — turning even the simplest tasks into acts of divine grace.

Season Two of ‘The Rings of Power’ finds light in unexpected places
In Season Two of "The Rings of Power," the battle between good and evil goes even deeper. As Sauron rises, we’re reminded that even in the darkest moments, hope is always in the mix. Payne and McKay don’t just amp up the action — they tap into those timeless themes of faith and light that hit home, especially when life feels heavy.

Six Reasons Why I Keep a Journal
Journaling is more than just a way to document your day — it’s a powerful tool for spiritual growth and self-reflection. By slowing down and writing honestly before God, you create space to confront your fears, express your gratitude and see the truth of your journey in a new light. This practice grounds you, helping you to notice where God is at work in your life, both in the struggles and the blessings.

Practicing Gratitude And Optimism May Extend Your Life
Practicing gratitude and optimism might be more powerful than you think. Recent studies from Harvard show that these attitudes can contribute to a longer life, just like exercise or regular health checkups. For those of us navigating our later years, embracing a mindset of thankfulness and positivity could be as crucial as any prescription — helping to enhance not only our longevity but our quality of life as well.

All Shall Be Well
Life brings about chaos, and it's easy to get caught up in the overwhelm of it all. But there's a simple reassurance worth remembering: ‘You know this is all going to be okay, don’t you?’

Wake Up to Wonder
Wake up to wonder. Breathe in the beauty of creation as St. Francis did, and let nature’s simple marvels lead you to rediscover God’s presence in your life. From the majesty of a thunderstorm to the quiet grace of Communion, creation speaks of the Creator’s glory. Step outside, stand in the rain and let God’s handiwork take your breath away.

How Full Do You Feel?
The journey of soul care is not a one-time event. It’s an ongoing process of filling yourself up so that you can pour into others. It’s about creating rhythms and practices that nourish your soul and keep you grounded in your faith. It’s about recognizing that you are a temple of the Holy Spirit and that you have a responsibility to care for yourself so that you can fulfill the calling that God has placed on your life.

The Dangers of Lingering Unkindness
My first instinct is to defend, reject and explain. I can feel the wrestling match begin within me, shame feeling like a too-heavy blanket pressing on my chest. Was I unkind? Yeah, and no one deserves unkindness. I am disappointed in myself and sad. I have had a close relationship with shame, and I can feel her slinking close.

Prison Drama ‘Sing Sing’ Captures Faith of the Formerly Incarcerated
Based on the real-life story of the maximum-security prison’s Rehabilitation Through the Arts program, founded in 1996, the film follows inmates who form a theater troupe while serving their sentences, processing their emotions through musical performances and acting.

What Is a Collect? Learn About This Ancient Form of Prayer
Most basically, it invites us to call to mind what God has done in the past before we make our present petitions known. We remember before we request, and we look back on the faithfulness of God in the lives of others prior to welcoming the faithfulness of God in our own.

A Look Back In Time To Japan’s Forgotten 19th Century Martyrs
In the early 17th century, Christianity was put under a ban lasting two and a half centuries, and Japanese people were repeatedly forced to prove that they were not Christian by trampling on a “fumi-e,” an image of Jesus on the cross, or of Jesus and Mary. Those who refused to do so were tortured to renounce their faith or, if not, be killed, often in hideously cruel ways.

Julian of Norwich: A Medieval Mystic for Modern Times
The writings of Julian of Norwich, a 14th-century mystic often overlooked in mainstream Christian discourse, speak with surprising clarity and reassurance — and resonate across denominational lines to inspire and challenge believers and seekers alike.

Dangers of Reactive Thinking
We’re born ready-made with a predisposition toward the negative, which motivates us with an urgency the positive rarely equals. I think this is why religious leaders and politicians place so much emphasis on the negative, on fury and fear-mongering. They know what moves us. If they can scare us or make us angry — fear and fury are twins — they can push us wherever they want us to go.

New Tool for Your Bag: Psalm Scrawling
By learning to write our own psalms, we gain a new tool for our faith-life tool bags. Writing mine allowed me to notice and give voice to my fears, hopes and gratitude.

Let Love Be Wild Within You
Let love be wild within you. Let it loose. You have it now. Feel it, for I am here. I have no boundaries, no exit strategy. I am not fickle. My love does not change its mind about you. I am fully engrossed in my love for you.

Fixed-Hour Prayer: A Different Way to Pray
In any form of prayer, there is an upward dimension of communing with God. When we pray, we “seek to communicate with the Eternal One, speaking words of adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplication.” This is no different in fixed-hour prayer, and I would argue that in some ways, the upward dimension is enhanced by the practice.

Anxiety Can Lead You to God ... Or Away
Anxiety can be the very thing that cripples us and forces us to try to lean on our own understanding of whatever we’re anxious about. But God also has purpose in it. I wonder whether our problem is less about anxiety and more about what we do with it. Let’s consider anxiety as a doorway into intimacy with the Father.

What I Want To Tell My Grandkids
Some years ago, I decided to write a book I’d call something like, “Things I Want to My Grandkids to Know.” I’d self-publish it and provide a copy to each of the kids. I started writing it with a lot of energy, then gradually let it peter out, and then … totally forgot about it. Recently, I happened across my notes, dated 2016. I liked what I’d said. I even added new observations.