What is Visio Divina?
Bill Gaultiere Bill Gaultiere

What is Visio Divina?

Spiritual directors call meditating on a picture “Visio Divina.” Applied to a Bible passage, it’s an imaginative and refreshing form of Scripture meditation that helps us to enter into the narrative of Scripture and bring ourselves to Jesus. It’s similar to Lectio Divina, but instead of quietly listening to God through words we use a picture.

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World-Class Novelist Wrestles Anew With Genesis
Richard Ostling Richard Ostling

World-Class Novelist Wrestles Anew With Genesis

The American novelist and essayist Marilynne Robinson has accumulated numerous literary prizes, among them the 2005 Pulitzer, but also honors in religion. Her new nonfiction book “Reading Genesis” wrestles with the grand themes and thorny issues raised in the Bible’s first book. It’s a climactic testament at the twilight of a distinguished life and career.

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Fasting: A Practical Guide
Adele Calhoun Adele Calhoun

Fasting: A Practical Guide

Fasting has been part and parcel of the Judeo-Christian tradition for millennia. Old Testament saints fasted at times of mourning, repentance, when they needed strength or mercy to persevere, and when they wanted a word from God. The New Testament church fasted when it sought God’s will and needed the grace and strength to remain faithful to God’s work.

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Wisdom and Sabbath Rest
Timothy Keller Timothy Keller

Wisdom and Sabbath Rest

The purpose of Sabbath is not simply to rejuvenate yourself in order to do more production, nor is it the pursuit of pleasure. The purpose of Sabbath is to enjoy your God, life in general, what you have accomplished in the world through his help, and the freedom you have in the gospel.

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Understanding Celebration
Richard Foster Richard Foster

Understanding Celebration

The spiritual discipline of celebration leads us into a perpetual jubilee of the Spirit. We are rejoicing in the goodness and the greatness of God. As Saint Augustine said, ​“The Christian should be an alleluia from head to foot.“

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Nine Ways to Connect with God
Gary Thomas Gary Thomas

Nine Ways to Connect with God

Do you ever feel guilty because quiet time just doesn’t cut it for you? Are you ever frustrated by a “one size fits all spirituality”? Don’t despair.

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Seeking God's Peace: A Taize Service
D'Esta Love D'Esta Love

Seeking God's Peace: A Taize Service

Taize worship is marked by simplicity, silence, confession, reconciliation and prayer. This contemplative style of worship grew out of a community in Taize, France, founded after World War II to provide a place of refuge and forgiveness for those seeking healing and reconciliation after the distress and devastation of war. The service is a blend of Christian styles, both liturgical and free, both ancient and contemporary.

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Gratitude Conquers Fear (And Other Stuff)
Richard Beck Richard Beck

Gratitude Conquers Fear (And Other Stuff)

Psychologists have shown that gratitude is one of the strongest predictors of happiness. And why is that? Because to feel grateful is to experience life as a gift, as an experience of grace and joy. Thus the practices of gratitude—the cultivation of the experience of receiving a gift—replace scarcity with an experience of abundance. When life is experienced as a gift, our anxieties lessen and the capacity to share freely and spontaneously is increased.

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What Is Worship? A Survey of the Bible
Michael Morrison Michael Morrison

What Is Worship? A Survey of the Bible

In the Bible there are two major kinds of words for worship. The first means to bow down, to kneel, to put one’s face down as an act of respect and submission. Our body language is saying, I will do whatever you want me to. I am ready to listen to your instructions and I am willing to obey. The other kind of biblical word means to serve.

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Journaling as a Spiritual Discipline
Jim Martin Jim Martin

Journaling as a Spiritual Discipline

Jim Martin keeps a daily journal and has for a number of years. The practice has been one of the most significant contributors to his spiritual growth and has become a crucial component in his relationship with God.

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Experiencing God through the Creation Psalms
Leslie Leyland Fields Leslie Leyland Fields

Experiencing God through the Creation Psalms

God comes near through his Word, and he comes close through his creation. If we don’t know and see this, we will miss so much of who he is and how he longs to be with us.

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Choosing Humility Even When It’s Hard
Nicole Unice Nicole Unice

Choosing Humility Even When It’s Hard

Humility will come to us all. ... But there are two paths to humility. The first is to humble yourself. It’s the decision to wake up to your reality, to say to God, 'I don’t know why this is the way it is, and I don’t know when it will end, but I trust You. I want to serve You. I will humble myself to show up today with joy and obedience and a heart to serve others.' The other way is to be humbled.

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The Long Tradition of Tattooing in Christianity
Gustavo Morello Gustavo Morello

The Long Tradition of Tattooing in Christianity

For some Christians, both in the United States and around the world, tattoos are an important way of representing their faith in Jesus. For example, pilgrims to Jerusalem will sometimes get tattoos during their time in the Old City, usually crosses on their forearms. But the evidence is clear that the practice started a long time ago—shortly after Jesus’ crucifixion, in fact—and has continued down the centuries.

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The Gift of Spiritual Direction
Lisa Durr Lisa Durr

The Gift of Spiritual Direction

Spiritual direction helps us to learn to ask better questions like, “Where is God in this?” It creates a space where we can search for hints of the divine in our lives.

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