Deeper Faith: John Mark Comer’s New Book

from Our Editors

1 min read ⭑


In a world where external influences constantly mold our lives, John Mark Comer, the founding pastor of Bridgetown Church and a celebrated author, offers a refreshing guide to spiritual depth in his latest book, “Practicing the Way: Be with Jesus. Become like him. Do as he did.”

Comer, known for his profound insights and approachable style, invites readers to embark on a journey of spiritual formation. The book emphasizes adopting a ‘Rule of Life’ — a set of practices and rhythms to open our lives to God’s transformative work. It’s an invitation to slow down and align our daily lives with Jesus’ teachings and actions.

“Practicing the Way” offers a blend of theological substance, cultural insight and practical advice. It encourages reevaluating life’s priorities and patterns to emulate Jesus better. The acclaimed author of “Get Out of Your Head,” Jennie Allen, praises it as “One of the most important books I have read in a decade... If we would all follow in this way, our lives would change and the world would change.”

For Christians looking to deepen their faith and live more authentically in Christ’s way, Comer’s book is more than just a reading experience; it’s a roadmap to transformation. It promises not just knowledge but a life-changing journey to become more like Jesus in our everyday lives.


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