Wrestling with Meaning: Jordan Peterson’s Take on the Bible

from Our Editors

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Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson’s latest book, “We Who Wrestle with God: Perceptions of the Divine,” delves into biblical narratives, aiming to extract insights applicable to contemporary life. Peterson, a clinical psychologist and professor, suggests that biblical stories offer guidance for navigating modern challenges, regardless of one’s religious stance. He asserts, “If you can’t see the wisdom [in the Bible], you haven’t contemplated your own misery… The books are about you.”

In his work, Peterson interprets events from Genesis and Exodus, emphasizing that embracing responsibility is what leads to a meaningful and adventurous life. For instance, he encourages readers to find order amidst chaos by drawing parallels between biblical symbolism and personal responsibility. Peterson likens organizing one’s immediate environment to the divine act of creating order from chaos in Genesis.

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