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Rapt has one mission: to help you encounter God. Why? Well, we’re made to be in loving relationship with him. The Bible is clear about that. But to love him, we must know him. We cannot love someone we do not know — not really, not intimately. And when Jesus talked about that kind of knowing, he meant something specific. The Greek word used in his prayer is ginōskō, a verb that connotes “familiarity acquired through experience.”

To move from knowing of God to knowing him, we must encounter him personally. We can settle no longer for the idea of a relationship. We must move into an actual one-to-one relationships with him. And we do that by doing things with him.

And Rapt curates the best things.

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Here are a two of our most popular: Bestselling & Top-Rated Books and Trending & Varied Podcasts.

Other readers eagerly and regularly explore new (and ancient) habits and spiritual practices. They love how our vast repository of excellent primers serves as an onramp to new kinds of relationships with God.

Here are some great ones with which to start: Forgiveness, Community, Silence and Gratitude.

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And last but certainly not least, lots of Rapt readers come for our original interviews and exclusive conversations with the most fascinating people doing the most interesting things across the full breadth of the Christain landscape.

Here are a few of our all-time favorites: Ian Morgan Cron, Gary Thomas, Karen Kingsbury and John Eldredge.